Register Team

Team name must be 3 to 25 characters, A-Z 0-9 and spaces only, no leading or trailing spaces, and cannot be the same as any other team name.
We do not intend to send you any automated email or put you on any mailing list; however, we may occasionally purge teams from our system that do not have a valid email address or do not respond to our emails.
Passwords must be 1 to 64 characters; choose something easy that you can share with your teammates. Do NOT use any important password here; security here is not great because we do not expect people to find it worthwhile to hack puzzle-solving passwords.
A list of your team members, separated by commas. Max 200 characters. Please do not let Little Bobby Tables join your team.
If you are playing in a tournament, please enter the tournament manager's name here. If you are a tournament manager or playing on your own, please leave this blank.
If you are playing in a tournament, your manager may ask you to choose a specific starting city.
If you are managing a tournament, enter the tournament's end time (Eastern Time) here.